Monsters of the Night

The Night Monsters are a Crew of monsters that only come out at night. Included in the group are the Ithaqua, and Scarecrow Triplets. Two normal ones that are found posed during the day but come to life and attack with their scythes at night, and a Plague Doctor Scarecrow That only comes out when Ravens are killed. In fact, the Third Scarecrow is super shy, and only comes out because she hates seeing Ravens die, and wants to put a stop to it. She is so shy, the only time she’ll willingly show herself is when Ravens are killed, and at that point she’s so angry she is killing furiously. Her Scythe is Soaked in the blood of her Victims, and deals many bad effects upon contact. She herself is mortal, but will always come back. She stands at 10 feet tall. She wears a large black hat, and Black Plague Doctor Mask, and the rest of her body is covered by Black Plague Doctor robes, and she carries a bloody scythe with her wherever she goes. Under her robe, her torso is just wool, her legs and hands stick. Her eye color? Ghostly green. If any Ravens show up with ghostly green eyes, know that she is looking through them, and is watching. She can turn invisible at Will, and can remain stationary for months on end. She likes Ravens, and Many can be seen Perching on her at a time. Oh, her Scythe’s handle is pure black, and the blade a rusty, bloody, still kind of silvery, Silver. She does clean it Weekly, but it always returns to it’s rusty and bloody state without her doing anything. Her sisters, Baghead and Pumpkin, are much less shy. Her name is Plague by the way. In fact, She can even split herself into 3 Plagues!